- Nutrition and nutrients absorbed from the stomach, small intestine and colon, and blood from the spleen will be taken to heart by the blood vessel called the portal vein.
Which brought the blood is processed in the liver and then to the heart to be pumped throughout the body. Increased blood pressure in the portal vein can cause blood vessels to swell about the next burst.
When the blood vessels in the patient's esophagus rupture, the patient will suffer from vomiting blood suddenly. Unlike bleeding from stomach ulcers or wounds, the patient usually does not experience stomach pain before bleeding occurs.
The pressure in the portal vein can be caused by a number of sources. Blockage of blood vessels that supply blood from the heart to the heart can cause blood pressure to rise.
Among the common cause is damage to the structure of the patient's own liver cells, causing liver called cirrhosis narrowed. Cirrhosis can be caused by many other factors.
When bleeding occurs, the patient will experience an acute shortage of blood. This can cause low blood pressure and heart patients to be slow due to a lack of red blood.

The procedure involves inserting a small camera through the action of the oral cavity and esophagus to the stomach be examined. Areas of bleeding blood vessels can be identified in this way. Injections and special treatments performed during the procedure to ensure that the bleeding can be stopped.
Blood screening test performed to determine the level of anemia or lack of red blood patients. In addition, liver function can also be identified either have failed or not. Examination using ultrasound done to see whether the size of the heart has been experiencing contractions, cirrhosis or not.
For patients who already have liver problems like hepatitis or fatty liver, treatment follow-up should be done to ensure that the liver does not suffer from cirrhosis.
If the cirrhosis, blood pressure in the portal vein blood vessels must be inspected and surgery to remove a blood trail use other routes to be done to prevent bleeding occurs suddenly.