- In addition to breast cancer is the most feared women, cervical cancer no exception among the 'nightmare' which most feared by them. Increasing age of person of women, the higher the risk of cervical cancer was attacked.
Around the world, a woman died of cervical cancer in every two minutes. The cause of cervical cancer is still unknown until now. Cervical cancer does not leave any symptoms or pain initially.
Cancer was due to various factors, including infection germs papillomavirus (HPV), namely, diseases, lack of hygiene tools confidential, have sex with many couples, started sex at a young age, smoking and a number of other reasons.
Cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent happen to women around the world and the third most common among women in Malaysia with an average of almost 1,000 cases identified each year.
Women face increased risk after they reach the age of 30 years and most often detected around age 65 to 69 years of age. Most cases of cervical cancer occur in women over the age of 45 years and above which is 65.6 percent median rate of 65.8 months and life time of life five years of rate 71.1 per cent.
But women aged 45 years and below have a better life.
The study run by a collection of Gynecologic Oncology (GOG), women who received Avastin along with chemotherapy had a whole life term levels increased by 24 percent and live on the level of the median 3.5 months longer than those who do chemotherapy alone.
Median overall survival was 16.8 months with Avastin and chemotherapy compared to only 13.3 months for chemotherapy treatments.

The situation is very worrying because every year, over 5,000 cervical cancer sufferers passed away resulting from delay in detecting cancer cells that spread to the final stage.
Cervical cancer can be prevented if a person the woman lead healthy and not stuck with social activities, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, started sexual activity at a too young age, swinging and less focus on genital hygiene.
Two main types of cervical cancer:
1. Squamous cell carcinoma
- Cervical cancer is often the case. It starts from inside the skuamus cell or skin as cells in cervical.
2. Adenocarcinoma
Types of cervical cancer, which is rare. It starts from the glandular cells. In addition, cervical cancer can be divided into microinvasive or on invasive.
Signs and symptoms:
- Bleeding during sex
- Bleeding in mid
- Bleeding after menopause
- Pain during sex
Women at risk:
- Has more than one spouse
- First active sexual intercourse before the age of 18 years
- Infection germs like sifilis, gonorea, chlamydia or HIV
- Immune deficiency
- Smoking
Youth at risk:
- Women who previously infected with HPV type and was not able to clean the viruses concerned
- Between the age of 35 to 55 years
More than half of women who are diagnosed with this disease:
- Most of them exposed to cancer-causing HPV while still a teenager and at age 20 's
- More women infected never make pap smear
The importance of pap smear:
- Cervical Cancer often occurs among women around the world. It can be prevented if detected at an early stage.
- Pap smear Test is a simple method to detect cell changes part of the uterus
Who need this treatment?
- All women aged 20 to 65 years
- Women who are active or once active in sexual activity
- Women with menopause or menopause
How often these tests done?
- This test should be performed three years
When the best time to undergo these tests?
- When the middle of the menstrual cycles or 10 days after menstruation
- Not during menses