There are over 100 harmful liver diseases but liver disease frequently happens is fatty liver disease without alcoholic beverages (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, or NAFLD).
NAFLD occurs due to the accumulation of excess fat that is not caused by alcohol consumption. It is due to other causes such as obese, insulin disorders and diabetes.
It is estimated that over 30 percent of adults in developed countries suffer from NAFLD and between 70 percent to 90 percent of those who are obese or have diabetes trouble NAFLD.
Is something normal for the heart contains little fat. However, you can belong to as fatty liver patients if the amount of fat in the liver more than five per cent of the total weight of the organ concerned.
Fatty liver disease (NAFLD) without alcohol is probably not a common disease be heard by most people, but the disease is increasingly a concern all over the world in matters pertaining to health.
NAFLD is a chronic heart disorder that mostly occurs in the main industrial countries such as North America, Europe and Australasia, but NAFLD is also found growing at alarming rates in the Asia Pacific region.
Studies show the rate of prevalent reached 30 percent in Taiwan and Japan and 20 percent in China, especially among those aged 50 years and above.
In general, NAFLD interpreted as encompassing liver disease without serious alcohol consumption history. Liver disease include fibrosis and Steatosis Not Alkoholik (string to NAFLD NASH, which can lead to cirrhosis), liver failure and liver cancer.
This disease does not differentiate anyone, so all individuals at risk get fatty liver. Although the actual cause has not been identified, the disease is much associated with obesity problems, Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome (MS).
In most cases, NAFLD does not cause any signs or symptoms until reach more malignant difficult diagnosis.
Until the liver biopsy, this remained as the primary way of determining the disease,whereas other diagnosis methods are used including Computing Tomography (CT scan), Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), ultrasound (US) as well as the incorporation of techniques.
A comparative study also showed EPL have a very good absorption rate that is more than 90 percent when compared with the milk just proportional tisel 23 to 47 per cent.
These high absorption rates contribute to the effectiveness of the EPL in the cell membranes and diffuse into the cell to affect recovery.
Signs or symptoms:
Most patients with fatty liver does not have any signs. However the following are symptoms that are available:
- Tired
- Less comfortable on the right rib in abdome
- Liver Enlargement (hepatomegaly)
Liver function blood tests (Liver Function Tests) that are not normal (amino alanine transaminase or ALT and aspartate transaminase or AST) most patients detected through this way.
Usually patients are at risk for suffering from fatty liver (such as obesity and diabetes) will be detected to have irregularities in blood tests of liver function or rate ALT orhigh AST.
The next test of abdominal scan will confirm the existence of fatty liver. But in some patients, the liver may be conducted to biopsi ensuring the existence of the diseaseand the extent of the disease concerned.
Patients who are diagnosed with fatty liver disease in the long term can get cirrhosispatients with other chronic liver pain. Patients with cirrhosis can get symptoms of ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), vomiting blood due to bleeding from the varices in nutritional and hepatic ducts also enkephalopathi (coma caused by failure of liver functions).
Patients with cirrhosis are also at high risk for getting cancer liver or hepatoma. Patients who suffer from diseases that are at risk for liver fatty foods such as diabetes, high blood pressure and dyslipidemia should be undergoing follow-up treatment continued with their respective physician because it is a disease that does not have amaterial at an early stage.
Early prevention can prevent patients got cirrhosis and subsequent complications listed above.
Practice a healthy lifestyle are important to prevent fatty liver disease. Balanced eating habits is important to avoid obesity problems and consulting a dietitian or nutritionist can help.