
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Prevent Colon Cancer Before It's Too Late.

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mytontolou.com - According to the guidelines of the American College of Gastroenterology, if you have a relative (parent or sibling) diagnosed with cancer of the colon (colon) at the age of around 60 years of age, you should start undergoing intestinal examination or colonoscopy at age 40 years.

Based on the data obtained, individuals at high risk and reach the age of 50 years are encouraged to undergo early screening colonoscopy at entrails that is.

The risk of developing bowel cancer for men and women about the same but the cancer that attacked part of the rectum more confronting women.

Family history, increased age, smoking, obesity, diabetes, alcohol consumption and the food to be preserved between the high risk that contribute to colon cancer.

Colon cancer often caused to the residents of developed countries and developing economies. In Malaysia, the disease often strikes and ranked the third type of cancer that often strikes the residents.

Risk factors/diagnosed with cancer of the intestine:

1. Diet is not balanced which often take a lot less fat and eating fiber.

2. Obesity.

3. Former colon cancer patients who have undergone surgery to remove the cancer in question.

4. The patient ever had polyps in the colon. Not all polyps at risk of getting cancer of the intestine. Adenomatous polyps, just one that is believed to cause cancer.

5. The risk of developing bowel cancer increased when increasing age. Those over the age of 40 have risks.

6. The sedentary lifestyle that is lack of exercise.

Symptoms usually depend on how the cancer occurs, including:

1. The blood out through the anus-depending on where the bowel are. If cancer occurs at the nearby the anus, blood out reds and liquid. The event on the right, the blood usually mixed colored feces and it more concentrated.

2. Change in bowel habits. Sometimes patients suffer from diarrhea and intersperse with normal conditions also constipation. Patients also sometimes not satisfied bowel which feel want to defecation but nothing comes out.

3. Abdominal pain more to the left abdomen.

4. Weight reduced without reason.

5. Pale face, less blood (anemia), tired and lifeless.

6. Less than 10 percent of patients suffer intestinal blockages.

Reduce the risk of colon cancer:

1. Practice healthy living i.e. take nutritious vegetables and fruit with exalted.

2. Reduce fat food animals such as sheep and cattle.

3. Maintain the weight balanced.

4. Work out.

5. Do not smoke.

6. Do not take liquor.

Four major treatments for bowel cancer:

• Surgery.
• Radiotherapy.
• Chemotherapy.
• Target therapy.
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